Body Treatments

Cellulite reduction & Skin tightening
cellulite reduction
Cellulite Reduction Treatment
Visit our Skincare Spa in Renton for your cellulite reduction treatment. We use Synergie cellulite reduction system. This is a non-surgical treatment that has been approved by the FDA to reduce cellulite. Cellulite is a rippling fat deposit most common on the thighs, butt and stomach areas. In a recently completed study, Synergie was shown to dramatically reduce inches and to improve the smoothness of the skin in the treated areas. In fact, 100% of the women participating in the study lost inches and over 90% reported a visible improvement in skin smoothness.
The Synergie cellulite reduction system, sometimes known as aesthetic massage system, assists the body’s cells to release the liquid that causes cellulite as well as helps to remove toxins from the body through lymphatic drainage. Additional benefits of this treatment include the boosting of the immune system and stimulation of collagen production. This unique system is able to stimulate the subcutaneous level of the skin that is not accessible with a traditional massage. Subdermal massages can change the fat content of cells and remove any excess fat through the body’s lymphatic system.
How many treatments are recommended:​
Results vary person to person. For optimal results 16 treatments, twice-weekly, over an 8-week period are recommended. Cellulite causing fluids can return, so patients should come back once monthly for to maintain the desired appearance and skin tone. We recommend that you drink plenty of water between treatments to help eliminate those cellulite causing fluids. Synergie only guarantees cellulite reduction, not the complete elimination of cellulite. Additionally, this is not a weight loss treatment.
body exfoliation treatment
Body Exfoliation Treatment

The gentle full body dry exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells, while stimulating the lymph system to release toxins that produce cellulite. The relaxing oil application will leave your skin hydrated and glowing.